Holmes Community College Associate Athletic Director Steve Diffey called in to “Good Morning Kosciusko” Monday all the way from Hutchinson, KS, where the Bulldogs are preparing for the opening round of the NJCAA National Tournament.
The Bulldogs will face Western Nebraska at 2:00 pm.
The Bulldogs come into the tournament as the 18-seed and champions of Region XIII. The Cougars are the 15-seed and champions of Region IX.
The game can be streamed live at njcaatv.com.
Visit Holmesathletics.com for more on this game and follow @holmesathletics on Twitter for updates throughout the tournament.
Audio: Steve Diffey
[su_audio url=”https://www.breezynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Steve-Diffey-from-Kansas-3-19.mp3″ width=”75%”]