Aggravated Assault, Child Molesting, and Contraband in Prison in Leake and Attala Arrests


KORY M GIBSON, 29, of Carthage, Public Drunk, Contempt of Court- Carthage Municipal Court, CPD.  Bond $239.25, $0.


MARQUIS L HUFFMAN, 32, of Carthage, Disorderly Conduct – Disturbing the Peace, CPD.  Bond N/A.

tel: 6625822455


ROBBY S HUTCHISON, 37, of Kosciusko, Bench Warrant – Attala Circuit Court, ACSO.  Bond N/A.


SYLVESTER JOBE, 35, of Lena, DUI – 1st, Possession of Marijuana, Open Container, Revoked or Suspended License, No Insurance, CPD.  Bond $1,331, $674.25, $389.25, $478, $418.


KRISTI L KELLEY-HALDERMAN, 42, of Kosciusko, False Pretense, Petit Larceny, Contempt of Court – Kosciusko Municipal Court, KPD.  Bond $494.25, $644.25, $0.


ALEXIS R KENNEDY, 23, of Lena, Contraband in Prison, Felony Hold for Drug Court, Possession of Paraphernalia, False ID, LCSO.  Bond N/A, N/A, $1,000, N/A.


ALLEN L MANNING, 57, of Kosciusko, Child Molesting – Touching of a Mentally Defective or Helpless Person for Lustful Purposes, KPD.  Bon $50,000.


GARY R MCRANEY, 31, of Carthage, Felony Court Order, LCSO.  Bond N/A.$19.99+Performance+Max&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6980747738&hsa_cam=20100066933&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz72Hu8z8iAMVpUn_AR3r6yqlEAAYASAAEgI0rvD_BwE


JULIUS R MILLS, 40, of Carthage, Disorderly Conduct – Interfering with a Business, Disorderly Conduct – Failure to Comply with LEO, Reckless Driving, Running a Stop Sign, Failure to Obey Traffic Control, Failure to Yield to Blue Lights, Failure to Give Signal, Resisting Arrest, Bench Warrant – Carthage Municipal Court X 5, CPD.  Bond $339.25, $1,917.75, $228, $0, $1,090, $436, $1,308, $649.25, $0 X 5.$100-gift-certificate


DEKENTRA C REESE, 35, of Morton, Domestic Violence – Aggravated Assault, CPD.  Bond N/A.

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