Art show announced to celebrate the life of Ann Jordan


The Attala Historical Society will sponsor an art exhibit celebrating the life and works of beloved Attala County Artist Ann Jordan, March 1, from 5-7 p.m., at the Mary Ricks Thornton Cultural Center.

Anyone with pieces of art created by Ann Jordan can take part in exhibiting at the show. Historical Society members will be at the Cultural Center from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. on the day of the show receiving art for the show that evening.

“We want to celebrate the life of Ann Jordan,” said Historical Society Board Member Judi Bell. “She was such a giving person and there are so many pieces of her work here in Kosciusko. We want this to be an evening of celebration and sharing of her talent.”

Mrs. Bell asked that each contributor to the show bring up to two pieces to share. Historical Society members will be in the building at all times throughout the day to protect the pieces, and contributors will be asked to pick up their pieces when the show ends at 7 p.m. Many of Mrs. Jordan’s pieces had names and stories attached to them. All contributors will be given a card to fill out with information about the piece they are sharing.

Refreshments will be served in the courtyard at the Cultural Center throughout the evening.

The public is invited to attend.

If you are interested in displaying Ann Jordan artwork that you own, please contact Judi Bell 662-289-4761, or Hart Pettit 662-289-1226.

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