On Friday, Feb. 16, the Attala County Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter will host the Big Black Federation Contest at the Kosciusko Attala Career Tech Center. Agricultural students from Choctaw, Carroll, Winston, and Webster counties are invited.
The junior and senior level competitions will include:
- tool identification
- opening/closing ceremony
- creed speaking
- extemporaneous speaking
- prepared public speaking
- parliamentary procedure
Part of hosting requires that the Attala Chapter must provide judges. If you or someone you know is a former FFA member, FFA alumni, or have a couple of hours to donate to some bright young leaders, please contact Mr. Kenneth Georgia at the Career Tech Center at 662- 289-2689. Note: little to no experience or special knowledge is required to judge at this level. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
The contest will begin between 8:30 and 9 a.m. and is expected to last until around noon. Judges may be dismissed immediately after their contest area is judged. They are not required to stay the entire duration.
If you would like to supervise a particular event or have questions about what the contest entails, again, please call or access the MS FFA Handbook online at: https://www.mississippiffa.org/index.php/ffa-association/