Attala County cast 4,843 ballots on Tuesday during the Republican and Democratic primary. There were 2,681 Democrat ballots cast and 2,162 Republican. Of those Republican ballots, 224 had to be hand counted and was finalized late Thursday evening. Find the results here: Attala County Republican Primary – – Kosciusko News 24/7
In the Republican primary, there will be two run offs on Tuesday, August 29th.
District Three Supervisor between Terry Crawford and Trent Fleming
District Five Supervisor between Joshua Black and William “Bill” Roos.
Attala County Democratic Primary – – Kosciusko News 24/7
In the Democratic primary, there will be one run off in District Five between Brad Whittington and Galen Shoemaker.
The winners of all the Republican races will face the winners of all Democratic races on Tuesday, November 7th in the General election. All candidates running as Independents will also be on the ballot in November.