The cost of a food truck permit in Kosciusko may be going up.
Mayor Tim Kyle says those truck operators pay only $250 a year to compete with local restaurants.
“These food trucks that are from out of town, they come in and everything that they make, they take it back home to their community,” said Kyle.
There are currently 12 food trucks operating in Kosciusko.
The Board of Aldermen is discussing an amendment to the food truck ordinance to increase the permit fee.
Audio: Kyle discuses more on possible changes to the city’s food truck ordinance.
June 6, 2024 at 9:29 AMThis is not totally true. The food trucks have to report where they sold. What city and what county. The taxes that they have to pay on their sales to the state, a portion of it goes to the city. So the city is getting tax money off of the food trucks sales plus the permit cost. If Kosciusko doesn’t want food trucks they just need to come out and say it instead of keep raising the costs to operate. The margin of profit is thin for the operator of the food truck as it is with any business.
June 10, 2024 at 12:34 PMExactly! They pay taxes to the city on every bit of revenue earned here. He also mentioned that the food trucks are only paying $250 per year for their permit, but that is 12 1/2 times more than local businesses pay. Very few of the local businesses are open for lunch except for the fast food chains. People want more options, not less.
Becky Rasberry
June 10, 2024 at 2:54 PMAmen, Leanne. We want more food options and this is a great way to bring in more choices. Please don’t raise their fee to be here.
June 6, 2024 at 9:38 AMThis is not totally true.
The city makes tax money off the food trucks. Wherever the food truck sets up in a county or city they have to pay sales tax to the state on the total sales and the city gets a portion of this tax paid by the food truck. So the city is getting the permit fee and the portion of the sales taxes paid by the food truck when they set up in that city.
If Kosciusko does want food trucks they just need to abolish them instead of continuing to raise the permit fee and lose the tax dollars they are collecting off the food trucks. Food trucks operate on a very thin margin just like other businesses.
June 6, 2024 at 11:56 AMWhat a shame that food trucks are going to literally be driven out of town. Workers don’t have time to go inside local restaurants because if short lunch hours. Anything good that comes to us lands up taken away. Then you have to winder why larger businesses don’t come here. Very sad for working people.
Our local small towns have challenges and welcome new things and people benefit from changes.
Kosciusko Citizen
June 7, 2024 at 8:47 AMSmh ! What a shame, what a shame ! Sounds a bit greedy to me . Well bye bye food trucks because $250 a year is already good enough . Plus any other cost they have to pay for instance such as taxes . Me personally I wouldn’t pay what the increasing price . Nothing good last long in this town at all . So sad & ridiculous !
Kosy Concern
June 7, 2024 at 2:05 PMIt’s sad that we have some great food trucks that come to town weekly and we look forward to their coming! Especially when we get a ChicFilet truck once a month which is a treasure!! Please do not raise their permit fees! Please don’t take away our getting good food. I have to wonder if that’s why Mando’s hasn’t been back I awhile?????
June 10, 2024 at 12:42 PMMando’s is here every Wednesday. I completely agree with you about it being a travesty that our city keeps doing things like this that take away options. Its absolutely ridiculous.
Jim Gilbert
June 9, 2024 at 7:17 AMThere was a time when Kosciusko had lots of dining options. Than time is long past. Remember the B & F Grill, Biddie’s BBQ, Vick’s, Scotties, Swiss Miss, The Tuck A-Way, Coleman’s BBQ then Windol’s, Campbell’s, and numerous others? These were home owned businesses operated by local people making a living right here in Kosciusko! Obviously there are few with the initiative to take up that business. I don’t frequent food trucks but they bring in variety that is sorely missing in Kosciusko. Gouging the Food trucks is a very bad idea. The better idea is, if you want better build better. Do something; don’t just wait for someone else to do it for you. You don’t have to look far in your own hometown to see the evidence of that working.
Jim Gilbert
June 9, 2024 at 7:19 AMOne other thing…Kosciusko NEEDS a place for Sunday lunch!
Not suprised
June 9, 2024 at 9:12 AMWow. We really can’t have anything good in kosy can we?
Elizabeth Tew
June 9, 2024 at 3:01 PMSince we have very few choices of “eateries” in Kosciusko and the Food Trucks bring in things we are not able to get in town I don’t see why they should be penalized. They offer a service for us.
June 11, 2024 at 10:22 AMBAD BAD IDEA!!! Kosciusko doesn’t have enough restaurant options as it is. If you raise the price, you’ll chase off the options we DO have! ????????????