Audio: Slovenian lawyer pens book about football in Mississippi


Imagine going to a foreign land and writing a book on a sport you’ve never seen or experienced. That’s exactly what Margerita Jurkovic did when she came to Mississippi from Slovenia to write a book about American football.

“Margerita’s Gridirion Adventure” recounts Jurkovic’s tour through Mississippi and her experiences at SEC, community college, and high school football games.

“Maybe once a year in Slovenia I’d see a commercial on TV or the internet with men wearing helmets, big guys who fought over an odd-shaped brown ball,” Jurkovic said in her book. “I guess I thought of football the way I think of wrestling today—it looks like a bunch of angry men just pushing each other around.”

Visit for more information.

Audio: Margerita spoke with Breck during “Good Morning Kosciusko” Monday on Breezy 101.


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