Kosciusko High School will be virtual only for the next week due to rising cases of Covid-19 at the school.
Superintendent Billy Ellzey sent the following message to Breezy News:
“This week we have had several positive cases involving both students and staff at Kosciusko High School. We now have multiple classes that have 3 positive cases.
We will follow the Mississippi Department of Health guidelines and move all high school classes to virtual learning beginning Monday, August 16, 2021 and continuing through Friday, Aug 27, 2021.
All high school activities and practices will be closed during this time as well. Students and staff will return to in person classes on Monday, Aug 30, 2021.
Students will need to sign into classes each period and receive instruction from their teachers during this time. Students and staff need to remain home during this time to reduce the spread of COVID and allow us to get back to school.
If your student does become positive for COVID during this time, please notify one of our school nurses.
You can notify Sharon Carter at 662-516-2984 or Pam Robertson at 662-739-5370 if your student tests positive for COVID.
I encourage you to get vaccinated if you are eligible and help us get back to in person school.
This move to virtual learning only applies to the high school. All other schools will continue as normal.
Continue to monitor BreezyNews for updates.