Central Holmes celebrates new computer lab


Central Holmes Christian School held a ribbon cutting Wednesday to celebrate the addition of its new SuccessMaker Computer Lab.

CHCS administrators secured a grant in recent months in order to implement a new computer lab on their campus. The lab is complete with 24 desktop computers fully equipped with SuccessMaker software by Pearson Education,Inc..

SuccessMaker is an adaptive and prescriptive scheduling intervention program delivering both reading and math curriculums, formative assessments instruction for individual students, and individual learner paths for targeted performance goals.


SuccessMaker software continuously adjusts the pace and path of instruction based on each learner’s performance. CHCS administrators worked diligently alongside Mr. Jay Hatfield of New York, chairman and founder of Tutoring America, in making this lab a reality for CHCS students and staff.

The addition of this lab will provide opportunities to enhance student learning through instructional technology while allowing students and families to realize their true potential and give them equal access to technology and knowledge- which in turn can open vast opportunities that will greatly impact their futures.

“We are just so grateful to Mr. Hatfield and Tutoring America for enabling us through this grant to add this additional 24 station computer lab with SuccessMaker software to be utilized by our staff and students. This wonderful addition greatly enhances our school campus while allowing our students to benefit and continue to move forward, said CHCS Headmaster Tony Banks.



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