Christmas Trees are glorious but can be dangerous. State Fire Marshal Mike Chaney shares some tips about how we can have a beautiful and safe holiday.
- Keep trees watered to avoid fire this Christmas. Trees are thirsty and can drink up to a gallon of water daily.
- Use decorations made with flame-retardant or non-combustible materials.
- Do not overload extension chords
- Keep children and pets away from light strings and electrical decorations
- Never use lit candles to decorate a tree and make sure any lit candles in the room are far away from tree branches
- Make sure the tree doesn’t block the exit
- Cut at least one inch off the bottom of tree trunk before placing on a stand
- Check water at least twice daily
- Make sure tree is at least 6 ft away from any heat source
- Take the tree down when it becomes dry
- Never Burn a tree in a fireplace. Heat may explode the wood and set the room on fire
- Check with your tree provider to see if they will provide a fire retardant