City approves local church to build stage and picnic area at Jason Niles Park


The Kosciusko Board of Aldermen has given approval for a local church to build a stage and a covered picnic area at Jason Niles Park.

Representatives from St. Matthews Episcopal Church presented the proposal to aldermen during Tuesday’s board meeting.

Jimmy Atwood told the board the church wants to build the picnic area and stage as an outreach project for the community.$19.99+Performance+Max&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=6980747738&hsa_cam=20100066933&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz72Hu8z8iAMVpUn_AR3r6yqlEAAYASAAEgI0rvD_BwE

The picnic area will be located across from the church’s location at 317 St. Matthews Street, which runs on the west side of the park. The stage will be built east of the tennis courts and splash pad.

Board members voted unanimously to approve project.

For more information on St. Matthews Episcopal Church, visit the church’s Facebook page.

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