A college & career fair will be held at the Oprah Winfrey Boys and Girls Club in Kosciusko on Wednesday, Sept. 26th.
Both the Attala County and Kosciusko City school districts will host the event. The day is for Juniors and Seniors and will be from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Students will be bused from their schools to meet with local and statewide representatives from a variety of colleges, universities, businesses, and industries. They may take advantage of this time to ask representatives questions and gather information about jobs and education.
Any business that would like to participate in the College and Career Fair may contact the schools’ counselors:
- Lynn Scribner at Kosciusko High School: 662-289-6145
- Semone Olive at Kosciusko High School: 662-289-3619
- Velvet Adcock at Ethel High School: 662-674-5673
- Amy Burnett at McAdams High School: 662-289-3838
- Tracy Burnley at the Kosciusko-Attala Career Tech Center: 662-289-2689