Emergency Dispatches: November 3, 2018


At 6:30 am Attala Deputies, The Mississippi Highway Patrol, MedStat EMS along with Attala Fire and Rescue were dispatched to hwy 12 west near McAdams. A passerby notified dispatch that it was a one vehicle MVA off in a cornfield. While en-route emergency responders that there were no injuries involved that the driver fell asleep at the wheel.

At 7:24 am Attala Deputies were called to a residence on Attala Road 1137 for a report of vandalism.

At 10:31 pm Attala Deputies, MedStat EMS along with Attala Fire and Rescue responded to a report of a 4 wheeler accident on Attala Road 2227 approximately five miles past the Industrial Park. The caller said one female was trapped under the 4 Wheeler and a second patient with a possible broken leg. Emergency personnel arrived on scene and notified responding medical personnel that both patients were conscious and alert. They said that one patient had a possible broken hip and confirmed that the second had a broken leg. MedStat called for an air helicopter to be launched and they would meet up with it at the helipad at Baptist-Attala.

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