Ethel grad named a Mississippi State Luckyday Scholar and honored in pinning ceremony


Katy Jo Newman is among the new cohort of Mississippi State Luckyday Scholars recently honored in a pinning ceremony featuring MSU President Mark E. Keenum and the Board of the Luckyday Foundation.

Newman is a freshman elementary education major from Ethel.

Established by the late Frank Rogers Day, the Jackson-based Luckyday Foundation provides scholarship funding of up to $6,000 per year for a total of up to $24,000 over four years to each student selected for the program. Luckyday Scholars are exemplary students with the goal of becoming college graduates who possess invaluable leadership skills, a strong work ethic and a commitment to community stewardship.

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Applicants must have a minimum 3.5 high school GPA and participate in an intensive application process.

Luckyday Scholars are actively engaged in this holistic program, which includes a freshman-year seminar and mentoring, designated housing to encourage connections, and opportunities to grow as leaders through servant leadership programming. Participants commit to a minimum of 10 service hours per semester with a single agency, which enhances the program’s fundamental principles: scholarship, community, service and leadership.

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