Ethel High School student named alternate Student Representative for MDE


Katy Jo Newman has recently been named the alternate junior representative for the state superintendent’s advisory council. Katy Jo is a junior at Ethel High School in the Attala County School District.

An alternate is named to fulfill the term of the junior student representative should the representative be unable to complete the term for any reason.

The eligible applicant pool for the junior representative included 35 students. The 12 semifinalists will join the Mississippi Department of Education’s Student Advisory Council, which will provide input about educational opportunities and policy with the state superintendent of education.

Katy Jo is a member of the EHS Lady Tiger basketball team. She plays trumpet and is the Drum Major for the EHS Tiger Band. She is also a member of the Student Council and the Beta Club.

Katy Jo is the daughter of Culley and Melanie Newman of Ethel and the granddaughter of Jackie and JoAnn Sprayberry of Ethel and Margie Newman and the late Ralph Newman of French Camp.


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