Grand Larceny, DUIs, and Drugs in Leake and Attala Arrests


JERMEL D BALL, 02, of Kosciusko, Possession of Paraphernalia, Bench Warrant – Attala Justice Court, KPD.  Bond $0, N/A.


VERONICA CLEMONS, 42, of Philadelphia, Bench Warrant – City Court X 2, Bench Warrant – Leake County Justice Court, LCSO.  Bond N/A X 2, $0.


JAMARI F GREEN, 29, of Carthage, Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Weapon by Convicted Felon, Warrant – Carthage Municipal Court, Possession of Paraphernalia, Hold – Detainer for MDOC, CPD.  Bond $30,000, $15,000, $500, $674.25, N/A.


CANDACE S JEFFERSON, 25, of Choctaw, Shoplifting, Bench Warrant – Leake County Justice Court, CPD.  Bond $889.25, $0.


EUGENE LUCKETT, 39, of Canton, DUI – 2nd, Seatbelt Violation, No Insurance, Switched Tag, None or Expired Tag, LCSO.  Bond $1,500, $500, $500, $500, $500.


JONATHAN MENA, 37, of Stone Wall, Grand Larceny, ACSO.  Bond N/A.


JAHEIM SCOTT, 23, of Carthage, Disorderly Conduct – Failure to Comply with LEO, Bench Warrant – Carthage Municipal Court, False ID, Profanity in a Public Place, CPD.  Bond $639.25, $0, $1,139.25, $239.25.


JOHN L STRICKLAND, 34, of Walnut Grove, Hold – Detainer for MDOC, LCSO.  Bond N/A.


NELSON WHITEHEAD, 36, of Greenwood, Misdemeanor Conspiracy, KPD.  Bond $0.

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