While many had difficulty with several upsets again in the week’s games, one entry nearly aced Week 8 of Kicks Picks Presented By Wheel-In Grocery of Carthage.
B.J. Morrow of Philadelphia submitted the top entry and has won the Tailgate Prize Pack from Wheel-In. This week also had the most number of players for the season.
With only three more weeks left, make sure to play Kicks Picks to qualify for the weekly and the season ending prize of the tv to the player who picks the most games correctly.
Week 9 picks can be found here.
Make your selections and submit prior to 6:00 pm on Friday to be eligible.
Remember to play each week because the person who guesses the most games correctly for the year will win the grand prize of a flat screen TV… so get your picks in!
It’s Free… It’s Fun… It’s Kick Picks!!!