Kosciusko schools to provide meals to students during school closure


The Kosciusko School District Child Nutrition program will provide an opportunity for children to receive meals during school closure.

Families may drive through or walk up to three distribution sites to receive meals. Children up to 18 years of age qualify to receive meals at NO charge.

• Distribution of meals will begin Monday, March 16, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.
• Children MUST be present to receive meals
• Meals will be provided at the doors to the schools. No admittance into the school will be allowed and all meals must be consumed off-site.
• Serving times will be 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. Each child may receive a USDA reimbursable lunch AND a breakfast for the following day.

All meals will exceed USDA nutritional requirements. The Kosciusko District will be utilizing resources and food items on hand.


Kosciusko School District encourages families to be proactive in reduction of the COVID-19 virus by NOT congregating at the meal site after receiving meals.

Distribution Sites

Kosciusko High School


415 Veteran’s Avenue

Please drive through the student parking lot to the glass doors on the South side of the building.

Kosciusko Upper Elementary School

tel: 6622893161

120 4th Avenue

Please use the circle drive to the front door of the school building.

Kosciusko Middle Elementary School


233  South Wells Street

Please use the circle drive to the cafeteria entrance at the right of the school building.

Updates will be issued as needed during the school closure.


For information about Child Nutrition programs, call Lisa Voyles at 662 289 8765 or email lisa.voyles@kosciuskoschools.com.


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