Lady Whippets breeze by the Lady Warriors


The Lady Whippets travel to Ponotoc to face-off against the Lady Warriors in game one of North Half Championship series action. The Lady Whippets and the Lady Warriors were scoreless through the first three innings. The Lady Whippets were the first to make it on the scoreboard with two runs on three hits in the top of the fourth inning(2-0). The Lady Warriors were left scoreless. The Lady Whippets and the Lady Warriors were held scoreless in the fifth inning. The Lady Whippets poured it on the Lady Warriors in the top of the sixth with two runs on two hits (4-0). The Lady Warriors were left scoreless in the bottom of the sixth. The Lady Whippets go scoreless in the top of the seventh on zero runs on one hit (4-0). The Warriors failed to tie the game in the bottom of the seventh inning giving the whippets the first victory of the North Half Championship(4-0).

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