KORY M GIBSON, 28, of Carthage, Public Drunk, CPD. Bond $239.25.
DESMOND C GRAY, 28, of Carthage, Bench Warrant – Carthage Municipal Court, CPD. Bond $0.
JUAN M GUERRERO, 27, of Carthage, Possession of Firearm by Convicted Felon, Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Paraphernalia, False Identifying Information, Failure to Give Signal, Hold for Other Agency – Leake County Justice Court, LCSO. Bond N/A, $25,000, $1,000, $3,500, $500, N/A.
ROBERT L HICKMAN, 35, of Philadelphia, Hold for Other Agency, NCSO. Bond N/A.
ARICTAVISE D HILL, 23, of Kosciusko, DUI – 1st, MHP. Bond $1,000.
SHAWNATE HOPKINS, 24, of Carthage, Disorderly Conduct – Disturbance of Family, CPD. Bond $399.25.
VINCENT D HOWARD, 36, of Weir, Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, LCSO. Bond N/A.
JAMIE R LEPARD, 43, of Kosciusko, Hold – Detainer for MDOC, CPD. Bond N/A.
LOURIE A LEPARD, 43, of Kosciusko, Burglary – Breaking and Entering Inner Door of Dwelling, LCSO. Bond $3,000.
MARCUS D LEPARD, 51, of Sallis, Sentenced, LCSO. Bond N/A.
TYRE M MARCH, 23, of West, Shooting into a Dwelling, Possession of Firearm by Convicted Felon, Malicious Mischief, KPD. Bond $20,000, $10,000, $1,000.
THOMAS D MORRIS, 50, of Carthage, Malicious Mischief, Simple Assault Causing Bodily Injury, Willful or Malicious Trespass, CPD. Bond $649.25, $639.25, $389.25.
JAMES OAKES, 63, of West, DUI – 1st, MHP. Bond $1,000.