The Vaccine for Kids and the Governor’s Plan to Sue


STATE WIDE–The final approval for the COVID-19 vaccine for kids age 5 to 11, was given by the CDC Tuesday, and the state is preparing to make the vaccine available for the parents and kids who are interested. You will most likely be able to find it where you got your child immunized from other diseases.

“We’ve worked to be able to provide these in county health departments,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers, in a news conference Friday.

No announcement has been made saying the doses are now available in the state.

“The clinics, the county health departments, certainly there will be some pharmacies that will also be providing vaccination for children,” said Byers, when talking about where you might expect to be able to find the vaccine.

Byers said 50,000 doses had been pre-ordered for the state.

There is no requirement that parents get their kids vaccinated.

Gov. Reeves is suing over the mandate that some employers require their employees to be vaccinated to continue working. Reeves said in a Facebook post that you can expect to see the state sue the Biden administration by the end of this week.

“Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates are one of the most shocking attacks on personal liberty we have seen in this country during my lifetime,” said Reeves.

The governor said he is a supporter of the vaccine, but not of requirements to have to take it.

“Although the federal government has not followed through on a single threat, many institutions across the country have acted rashly out of fear of losing federal funds. They should be reminded that the state of Mississippi will not be in the business of subsidizing or supporting institutions that fail to go out of their way to respect at least these basic human rights. Every Mississippi business, university, and hospital should bend over backwards to accommodate and presume goodwill.”

He called the mandates “nothing short of tyranny”.

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