The United Veterans of Attala County held the annual Aisle of Honor program Thursday at the Attala County Coliseum in Kosciusko.
The ceremony opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by students Prince Bridge and Christopher Fletcher. Next came the singing of the National Anthem by Rev. Marvin Myles.
Instead of a keynote speaker, this year the program was led by veterans recounting their years of service.
A microphone was passed throughout the audience as several veterans and family members of veterans spoke about their service and about how the Veterans’ Service Office in Kosicusko serves the needs of veterans and their families in Attala County.
An award presentation was also held for Col. Patricia Wells Thomas of the United States Air Force.
A 25-year veteran, Thomas is the first African-American female from Attala County to earn the rank of colonel in the Air Force.
During the ceremony, she was presented with the Defense Superior Service Medal. That medal is awarded to service members who perform superior meritorious service in a position of significant responsibility.
The ceremony closed with the singing of “God Bless America” and the playing of taps.