What is your favorite Christmas Song?


Christmas music. It’s as much a part of the holiday as Santa Claus, trees, stockings, and reindeer.

There’s even a station dedicated to playing nothing but Christmas songs for almost two months (cough cough*** WKOZ 98.3 FM The Boswell Media Christmas Station***cough cough).

From classic carols to popular country and pop holiday favorites, certain songs have the ability to invoke memories of the past and get us in the Christmas spirit.

Stance Bingham, host of the Morning House Party on Kicks 96, says Bing Crosby’s version of White Christmas is his favorite.

“I remember it being the first Christmas song I heard as a child and thinking how beautiful it was. It takes me back to that time when I hear it.”

Is there a song that reminds you of the magic of Christmas?

Let us know in the comments below and listen to “Good Morning Kosciusko” throughout the holiday season and you may just hear that song and story on the air.


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