AAA: Gas Now Averaging Less Than $3 in MS

The average price of gas in Mississippi has dropped below $3 a gallon for the first time since mid-July.  AAA says, statewide, prices Friday morning were averaging around $2.99.  That's down 26 cents in the past month. was reporting Friday that, while prices... Read More.

AAA: Gas Prices in MS Now Averaging Under $3

The average price for gas in Mississippi has dropped below $3 a gallon for the first time in six weeks.  AAA says that's a decrease of 17 cents since April 20 when the latest round of price hikes peaked.  In this part of central... Read More.

AAA: Gas Averaging Less Than $3 in MS

For the first time since January, the average price for gas in Mississippi is less than $3 a gallon.  AAA says it dipped to $2.99 this morning continuing a price decline that began about three weeks ago.   While several stations in Carthage and Philadelphia... Read More.

Gas in Mississippi Now Averaging Below $4

After staying above $4 a gallon for ten weeks, the average price for gas in Mississippi dropped Thursday to $3.98.   AAA says only Texas, South Carolina and Georgia have cheaper gas.  The auto club says, in Attala County, the average price is now $3.92. ... Read More.