Domestic violence, disturbing the peace and other recent Kosciusko arrests Wednesday, January 29 by Staff Report
Felony DUI, Felony Malicious Mischief, and Grand Larcenies in Leake and Attala Monday, December 30 by Staff Report
Aggravated Domestic Violence, Felony DUI, and Contraband in Prison in Attala and Leake Friday, December 27 by Staff Report
Contraband in Prison, and Many DUI and Drug Arrests in Leake and Attala Saturday, August 24 by Staff Report
Multiple Drug, DUI, Shoplifting, and Disorderly Arrests in Leake and Attala Friday, July 12 by Staff Report
Breaking and Entering of a Dwelling and a Host of DUI Arrests in Leake and Attala Thursday, July 4 by Staff Report