Grants to Help Fund Local Projects

Some local counties are getting a share of the $110 million in grants that Governor Reeves announced Wednesday for economic development, infrastructure, workforce development, tourism and conservation projects.  Leake County is getting $250,000 to grade a site at the Leake County Business Park.  Neshoba...

$chools to $tart New Year with More Fund$

As students and teachers get ready to head back to classes, their schools will have more money to work with this year."That's the biggest increase in funding for school districts that we've seen in quite some time."Nancy Loome with the grassroots education group The...

Boys & Girls Club Announces a Valentine Fund Raiser

Make plans to attend the Valentine's Fund Raiser at the Boys & Girls Club on February 10 from 7:30 until 11:30. Tickets can be purchased from any board member or a the club; $15 for singles and $30 for couples. Come and enjoy a...