McCool VFD Fish Fry Fundraiser Saturday

The McCool Volunteer Fire Department will have a Fish Fry Fundraiser on Saturday, February 24 from 11 am until 2 pm. Join Volunteers at the fire department located on Hwy 407 in McCool. The cost of plates will be $12. For more information, or...

KHS baseball announces Supermarket Sweep fundraiser

The Kosciusko High School baseball team has announced a new fundraiser.It's being called the1st ANNUAL WHIPPET SUPERMARKET SWEEP.The team is selling chances for $20 each or 6 for $100.There will be two winners. First place gets six minutes to run thru the store and...

Local baseball team to hold bake sale fundraiser April 8

The Mississippi Fire 12U baseball team that is based in Kosciusko will have an Easter Bake Sale on Saturday, April 8 at Kosciusko Auto Parts.The Bake Sale will begin at 9:00 a.m.The proceeds from this fundraiser will enable the players to participate in the...

Lions Clubs chicken plate fundraiser a success

The Lions Club would like to thank everyone who bought a plate and participated in the club's annual chicken plate fundraiser.The money raised from the sale helps the club purchase eye glasses and hearing aids for those in need in Attala County.

Helping Hands Ministries holding BBQ fundraiser

Helping Hands Ministries is holding a BBQ fundraiser.Tickets for BBQ plates are being sold at $10 per plate.These tickets can be purchased at several locations including:Kosciusko First United Methodist Church Citizens National Bank Helping Hands Ministries Helping Hands Thrift StorePlates will be available...

McAdams High School band to hold car show fundraiser

The McAdams Bulldog Band will be sponsoring a car show on Saturday, May 14 at the Attala County Coliseum from 10:00 am -2:00 pm. All entries will be accepted, and a winner will be chosen for each category.Registration and payment will be accepted at...

Big Red Band Color Run fundraiser set March 21

The Kosciusko Big Red Band is hosting its third annual Color the Hills 5K.The run will be held Saturday, March 21 in downtown Kosciusko.Participants can register up until the morning of the race, but may not be guaranteed a run t-shirt.Registration is $30.Visit