Malicious Mischief, Aggravated Assault, and Impersonating a Patrolman in Leake and Attala Saturday, November 2 by Staff Report
Felony Malicious Mischief and Multiple Assault Arrests in Leake and Attala Tuesday, April 9 by Staff Report
Aggravated Domestic Violence and Felony Malicious Mischief in Leake and Attala Arrests Wednesday, March 6 by Staff Report
Drugs, Shoplifting, Malicious Mischief, and Aggravated Assault in Attala and Leake Arrests Monday, February 12 by Staff Report
Felony Malicious Mischief, Shoplifting, and Child Neglect in Leake and Attala Friday, November 24 by Staff Report
Malicious Mischief, Shoplifting, Domestic Violence, and DUIs in Leake and Attala Arrests Wednesday, September 13 by Staff Report
Malicious Trespassing, Fleeing or Eluding, and Domestic Violence Arrests in Leake and Attala Tuesday, August 22 by Staff Report
Felony Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Drug Trafficking, Indecent Exposure, Forgery, and Malicious Mischief in Attala and Leake Arrests Monday, August 14 by Staff Report
Aggravated Domestic Assault and Felony Malicious Mischief in Leake and Attala Wednesday, May 31 by Breck Riley