AT&T mobile network experiencing outage

AT&T has been experiencing a nationwide mobile outage since around 3:30 am. The outage is affecting cell phone signal to customers, with many reports that phones on the AT&T network are displaying "SOS Only," Shannon Mitchell with Attala County E-911 told Breezy News that the outage... Read More.

CEPA Sunday Outage Update

Date: June 18, 2023 Time: 4:00 p.m. Central Electric Continues Restoration Efforts Central Electric personnel and additional linemen from three electric cooperatives in Mississippi continue to work today to restore power. As of 4:00 p.m., Central Electric Power Association has 326 members without electric service. Another round of severe... Read More.

CEPA Outage Update

Date: June 16, 2023 Time: 4:30 p.m. Central Electric Restoration Efforts Central Electric has been working severe weather events that passed through our entire service territory. Significant progress has been made in power restoration efforts. There is damage to many lines due to trees and limbs down along with... Read More.

UPDATE: Central Electric Power Association Outage Report

Date: October 27, 2019 Central Electric Continues Power Restoration throughout Its Service Area Due to substantial rain fall and damaging winds from Tropical Depression Olga, Central Electric Power Association experienced sustained power outages throughout its seven county service area. CEPA promptly mobilized their field operations staff... Read More.