Routine Traffic Stop Yields Multitude of Charges

A routine traffic stop led to the arrest of two men on multiple charges, including possession of illegal firearm accessories and controlled substances. Darius Erving and Tyquentis Wade were taken into custody after Kosciusko Police Officer Nash conducted a...

Trackhoe Comes Off Truck, Blocks Traffic

KOSCIUSKO, Miss.--A Trackhoe came off of the truck that was carrying it about 7:15 Tuesday night about a mile outside Kosciusko on Hwy. 43 north. The equipment ended up in a ditch.Attala County deputies responded and stayed while the situation was rectified.The trackhoe was...

Photo: Stalled 18-wheeler blocks lane of traffic

A stalled 18-wheeler currently has a lane of traffic closed in Kosciusko. The truck is stalled in the south bound lane of Hwy 35 north between Exxon and CVS. At the time of this report, officers with the Kosciusko Police...

Several Traffic Issues Reported As Family Night Ends

KOSCIUSKO, Miss.--Several traffic issues were reported near and around downtown Kosciusko around and just after the end of family night activities Friday. Some may have been unrelated to the event itself.Police handled some traffic issues around Jefferson St. One issue was that several cars...

Traffic Stop in Attala Yields Large Amount of Meth

In the early hours of April 17, 2024, Attala County Sheriff's Deputy Jacob Edwards conducted a traffic stop on Williamsville Rd. for careless driving. During the stop, passenger Laci Gove-Hovas exited the vehicle and appeared to discard an item. Both occupants were detained, leading...

Several Traffic Accidents Tuesday in Attala

Tuesday, December 6, 2023Attala Deputies were called to Attala Rd. 4167 at 6:43 a.m. where a vehicle struck a deer.  No injuries were reported.Just after 8 a.m. Kosciusko Police, Kosciusko Fire Department, and EMS were dispatched to the parking lot of a healthcare...