The Trojans and the Whippets were both held scoreless in the first inning. The Trojans poured it on the whippets in the top of the second with five rounds on four hits (0-5). The Whippets were held scoreless in the bottom of the second. The Trojans and Whippets were scoreless third to the fifth inning. The Trojans were held scoreless in the top of the sixth. The Whippets sparked a little with two runs on two hit in the bottom of the sixth (2-6). The Trojans gain three runs on two hits in the top of the seventh (2-7). The Whippet gain one run in the bottom of the seventh ending the Whippets season with the score being (3-9). The Autumn Ridge players of the game are the Whippet Seniors Walker Yuille, Logan Fancher, Clark Dean and Ethan Gowan. Congratulations Guys and best of wishes to your future endeavors.